PITCHvr™ – Perceptual Image Trainer for the Complete Hitter in the virtual realm – is a baseball “virtual batting practice” system developed by Dr. Mark A. Jupina at Villanova University. It provides players at the high school, college, and professional levels with the opportunity to train in a virtual reality CAVE environment (as shown below), or anywhere using VR or augmented reality headsets.

PITCHvr™ uses patented [US Patents 10,864,422, 11,331,551], non-conventional training techniques to both supplement and complement conventional training techniques by providing unique (and fun!) training routines which are not possible in the real world. There are no limits to how the training experience can be varied and analyzed.
Physically realistic pitch data sets from the high school to the MLB level have been created through the use of equations of motion which take into account the effects of gravity, drag, and spin (Magnus force) on the baseball. Any type of pitch by any pitcher can be accurately represented in the data set. The positions, velocities, accelerations, and spin axis orientations are accurately reproduced as a function of time.

PITCHvr™ software can be used on a variety of platforms including the HTC Vive (Pro, Pro Eye, and Cosmos with a Vive Tracker); Oculus /Meta (Rift S, Quest, and Quest 2) and Valve Index. Sign up for our emails for details and updates as they become available.
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